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Will Crypto Integrate With Finance or Disrupt Central Banks?

Will Crypto Integrate With Finance or Disrupt Central Banks?

By Rob Nelson

For some, the rise of crypto is a challenge to incumbent central banks, but Wall Street seems eager to adopt the asset class.

In a riveting discussion on the future of cryptocurrency and its potential to redefine the global financial landscape, Roundtable anchor Rob Nelson was joined by Nick Hammer, CEO and co-founder of BlockFills.

The conversation, which explored the viability of cryptocurrencies as both an integrative force within existing financial systems and a revolutionary “bank killer,” shed light on the nuanced trajectory of digital finance.

Nelson initiated the discourse by questioning whether crypto could flourish as a complementary element to traditional banking or if their success necessitates the complete displacement of central banks — a prospect he deemed highly unlikely, particularly in the case of the Federal Reserve.

Hammer responded with a visionary perspective, suggesting that global dissatisfaction with government-managed fiat currencies is driving smart money to seek alternative means of managing currency risk and executing efficient international transactions. He highlighted the acute currency risks faced by global companies, particularly in countries like Brazil, Argentina and China, where local currencies are prone to devaluation. According to…

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