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Web3 Platform Galaxis Gives Community Building A Shot In The Arm

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Crypto’s meme culture is strong. But memes, no matter how humorous or share-worthy, aren’t the only form of fuel powering the industry’s thriving communities. An independent streak, natural distrust of authority, and interest in technology are the key hallmarks of Web3’s body politic, a collective made up of investors, developers, gamers, traders, and just plain old ordinary users who are sick and tired of the Web2 way of doing things.

Many of the world’s biggest brands cannot reasonably say that their audience is as invested, passionate and loyal as the ones that spring up around projects like CryptoPunks, Dogecoin, BAYC and MakerDAO, or the big blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum. If you could bottle the humour, spirit and fanaticism of Web3 users, you could name your price.

Galaxis isn’t seeking to bottle anything but it has put together a compelling package in the form of a community-centric engagement platform pitched at brands, sportspeople, musicians and indeed any person or group keen to grow an audience. Set to launch before the end of Q1, Galaxis is on a mission to redefine how digital collectibles are used and enjoyed, and how communities grow from the ground up.

Empowering Communities with Web3 Tech

Galaxis is the brainchild of András Kristóf and Ben Ong, blockchain OGs and serial entrepreneurs; while the former was responsible for bringing the first Bitcoin ATM to Asia, Ong co-founded NFT collectible startup Ether Cards, a venture that came to prominence during the 2021 NFT gold rush. The co-founders’ various ventures crisscross the worlds of art, sport, music, film, and gaming, and having sold over 225,000 NFTs and generated more than 32,000 ETH in secondary markets, their track records lend credibility to Galaxis out of the gate.

Their latest decentralized platform came into being after the pair identified a gap in the market, specifically around community building and engagement. While the crypto world continually demonstrates an unerring ability to spawn awesome communities, there was no dedicated platform for building one. Until now.

The vision of Kristóf and Ong is to empower any person or project to grow their audience by utilizing blockchain tech. Recognizing that communities invest more emotional capital in projects that provide tangible rewards,…

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