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Trump’s Grip On Key Swing State Slipping? Voter Sentiment Sways To Biden In ‘Too-Close-To-Call’ Pennsylvania Matchup

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For the first time in the 2024 presidential cycle, Donald Trump ceded the lead to President Joe Biden in the key swing state of Pennsylvania, a new poll found.

Presidential Election: In a ”too-close-to-call” hypothetical 2024 presidential election matchup, Biden took the lead over Trump by a margin of 49% to 46% in Pennsylvania, the Quinnipiac University poll of registered voters in Pennsylvania released Wednesday showed.

The survey solicited responses from 1,680 Pennsylvania self-identified registered voters from Jan. 4-8, 2024.

The choice of candidates was along party lines. Democrats backed Biden by a 96%-4% margin and 89% of Republicans chose Trump as opposed to 7 who supported Biden. Trump held an edge among independent voters, with 45% supporting him versus 44% who backed Biden.

Quinnipiac’s October poll in the state showed Trump ahead with a 47%-45% margin against Biden. In June Trump and his successor received the support of 47% and 46% of the respondents, respectively.

In a five-way hypothetical contest including independent and Green Party candidates, Biden pushed ahead with 41% support. Thirty-nine percent of the respondents threw their weight behind Trump, while Robert Kennedy Jr. and Green Party candidate Jill Stein received 11% and 4% support, respectively.

See Also: Biden Vs. Trump: Ex-President Leads First Time In Crucial Michigan Battleground Poll — But Democrats May Have A Workaround

Primary Race: The outcome of the primary appears to be almost sealed, with Quinnipiac’s poll finding Trump leading the Republican presidential primary with 61% support among registered GOP voters. Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley stood second, receiving 14% support, followed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis with 10% support.

Meanwhile, 34% said they would likely change their choice of candidate if the candidate they are currently supporting was not a winner in one of the early primary states.

Biden had an overwhelming lead of 77% among registered Democratic candidates for getting the party’s nomination. Author Marianne Williamson was a distant second with 12 percent support.

Biden’s job approval rating was a net negative 18%, with 40% approving, 58% disapproving and 1% offering no opinion.

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