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Dora Factory Announces Historic DORA Airdrop to Over One Million ATOM Stakers in Largest MACI Voting Round Ever

Dora Factory Announces Historic DORA Airdrop to Over One Million ATOM Stakers in Largest MACI Voting Round Ever

June 6, 2024 – Singapore, Singapore

Dora Factory, the pioneering infrastructure of decentralized governance technology and public good funding, announces the gas fee airdrop of its native token DORA to all ATOM stakers on June 5, 2024.

Over one million addresses are eligible to receive DORA token, with the airdrop campaign inviting the Cosmos community to participate in the governance of its democratic public goods funding program, the ATOM Economic Zone Quadratic Funding, on

With 1.04 million addresses whitelisted, the privacy voting round implemented by the Dora team will be the largest MACI (Minimum Anti Collusion Infrastructure) voting round ever.

Over one million ATOM stakers are eligible for the airdrop

On June 5, all ATOM stakers have received DORA tokens in their wallets.

DORA is the native token of Dora Vota, a decentralized governance application chain developed by the Dora Factory using the Cosmos SDK.

This airdrop is one of the largest in history. With over one million addresses, Dora Factory aims to mobilize the Cosmos community known for its passion for decentralized governance to participate in a crucial public goods governance experiment for the community.

Empowering community with AEZ funding and MACI voting

After receiving the airdrop, Cosmos communities can participate in the AEZ (ATOM economic zone) quadratic funding initiative jointly launched by DoraHacks, Dora Factory and ATOM Accelerator DAO.

They can use ATOM to vote for and donate to public goods teams they value, support early-stage developers and determine the distribution of an 80,000 ATOM and $200,000 USDC matching pool across 10 rounds of AEZ quadratic funding and MACI voting.

The smart contracts for this quadratic voting round are deployed on the Dora Vota network, and the community can use DORA to cover gas fees.

This campaign goes beyond merely distributing the reward pool to early-stage projects and essential public goods in AEZ in the first round it is a democratic governance experiment designed to mobilize community power in supporting public goods and promising early-stage developers.

The quadratic funding mechanism ensures that even small donations from community members have a substantial impact.

MACI voting with enshrined privacy

Dora Factory invites community members to participate in MACI (Minimal Anti-Collusion Infrastructure) privacy voting, distributing a $20,000 USDC prize pool to selected teams.

Unlike traditional…

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