Bitcoin News

A Journey To $5 Million Per BTC In The Next Decade

Bitcoin (BTC)

PlanB, a popular name within the Bitcoin community, thanks to his Stock-to-Flow (S2F) model, has shared the latest discourse on X, igniting a flurry of excitement and speculation. This discourse particularly highlights BTC’s potential journey through successive halving cycles.

PlanB’s analysis, deeply rooted in the S2F model, presents a narrative for Bitcoin’s future. This model scrutinizes the correlation between an asset’s existing reserves (stock) and annual production (flow) and lays the groundwork for PlanB’s bold predictions.

Navigating Through Predictions: A Community Aweigh

According to the model, the forthcoming halving cycle spanning 2020-2024 is expected to solidify Bitcoin’s price at around $50,000. But the real spectacle unfolds in the ensuing cycles, with projections setting the stage for Bitcoin to ascend to $500,000 in the 2024-2028 cycle, eventually reaching a monumental $5 million in the 2028-2032 cycle.

The predictions made by PlanB have sparked interest and debate among the crypto community. Many are curious to see if Bitcoin will experience the forecasted substantial growth.

An X user responded to PlanB’s post, expressing hopefulness yet advising caution due to the limited number of data points that can’t definitively predict precise future prices, like an average of $500k from 2024 to 2028.

PlanB acknowledged this caution, pointing out that his predictions are based on three past halving events and the significant pre-halving period, suggesting that while the Stock-to-Flow model can guide the general trend, its accuracy comes with a considerable margin of error.

For instance, while the 2020-2024 period was projected to see an average of $55k, the actual figure was around $33k.

Additionally, another user in the conversation, known as Phoenix of Crypto, remarked that while PlanB’s projection might seem “overly…

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