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While His Digital Trading Cards Tumble in Value, Trump Says His ‘Cute’ NFTs Were About the Art – Bitcoin News

While His Digital Trading Cards Tumble in Value, Trump Says His 'Cute' NFTs Were About the Art

After climbing to a high of 0.79 ether on Dec. 17, 2022, Donald Trump’s non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have dropped considerably in value over the last 12 days. On Dec. 29, 2022, Trump’s NFT collection has a floor value of 0.15 ether, which is around 81% lower than the floor value highs recorded last week.

Trump Digital Collectibles Slide Significantly in Value Since the Launch, After Looking at the Art Trump Was Pleased With His 30-Inch Waistline

The 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump, recently released 45,000 non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and during the first day of the sale, each NFT was sold for $99 per unit. Trump’s NFTs started trading on secondary NFT markets on Dec. 15, 2022 and had a floor value of around 0.1 ether or around $125 for the most inexpensive Trump NFTs. Two days later, News reported on how Trump’s NFTs skyrocketed in value after being mocked by a large number of left-leaning political commentators.

While His Digital Trading Cards Tumble in Value, Trump Says His 'Cute' NFTs Were About the Art
The 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump, was pleased with the artwork in his NFT collection. Trump’s digital art, however, continues to slide in value according to NFT marketplace sales.

The same day, on Dec. 17, 2022, Trump’s NFT floor price jumped to an all-time high of around 0.79 ether or around $940 per unit, according to stats from the leading NFT marketplace Opensea. Since then, however, Trump’s NFT collection has seen its floor price slip all the way down to 0.15 ether ($180), which is 8.54% lower than the floor values recorded 24 hours ago. Metrics indicate that on Dec. 29, 2022, 9% or 3,864 Trump NFTs are listed on Opensea, and in total, there are roughly 15,083 unique Trump NFT card owners.

9,801 of those unique owners hold only one Trump NFT in their wallet while 2,556 own at least two Trump NFTs. 79 owners hold around 45 Trump NFTs, which means they will get an invite to the Trump gala dinner in South Florida, at least according to the terms of service agreement on the website. Four owners hold 60 NFTs from the Trump collection and seven wallets hold 100 Trump NFTs. There’s also one owner with approximately 1,000 Trump NFTs in their wallet.

Trump told the press last week that his NFT collection was not about making money and it was more about the art and a trim waistline. “Well, I knew nothing about [the NFTs] and then a group came, and I loved the art,” Trump told OAN. “You know, it’s sort of comic book art when you think of it, but…

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