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What is VeChain (VET) and how does it work?

What is VeChain (VET) and how does it work?

The fundamental traits of blockchain technology, including decentralization, immutability, transparency and automation, have proven to be capable of several use cases for different businesses. However, due to the costs of creating and maintaining blockchain-powered applications, it can be difficult and expensive for enterprises to fully utilize its benefits.

With the adoption of distributed ledgers, many projects have put efforts to lower the barriers to entry. VeChain is one such blockchain platform built to improve widespread use of blockchain technology. One of the most significant issues facing supply chain organizations is a lack of transparency, which blockchain aims to resolve by enabling businesses to conduct transactions directly and without a third party. It also allows data sharing between stakeholders and supports increased integration of financial and logistical services.

This article will discuss what VeChain public blockchain is, the unique features of VeChain, how VeChain (VET) works, how to buy VeChain and how VeChain staking works.

What is VeChain (VET)?

A public blockchain called VeChainThor is intended for widespread use of blockchain technology by companies of all sizes by acting as the building block for a resilient and expandable enterprise blockchain ecosystem.

According to VeChain, Ethereum remains unsuited for running large-scale commercial decentralized applications (DApps) while being a significant technological milestone. It is because Ethereum does not have a robust governance framework to allow for quick and transparent protocol changes to address emerging issues or breakthroughs.

Also, an appropriate economic model is absent in the Ethereum blockchain, restricting businesses from operating their DApps at a controllable and predictable cost. In addition, given how volatile the price of Ether (ETH) is, companies may not forecast future ETH prices or the expense of maintaining an Ethereum-based decentralized application for a specific time. So, what makes VeChain unique?

The VeChainThor blockchain hopes to address the above issues using meta-transaction features, a proof-of-authority (PoA) consensus method, an on-chain governance mechanism and a unique two-token system.

Meta-transaction features

For enterprise adoption, VeChain’s meta-transaction features, as discussed below, help make the development user-friendly:

  • Multi-party payment: A decentralized application’s freemium model is enabled by flexible transaction fee…

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