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What is prompt engineering, and how does it work?

What is prompt engineering, and how does it work?

Prompt engineering has become a powerful method for optimizing language models in natural language processing (NLP). It entails creating efficient prompts, often referred to as instructions or questions, to direct the behavior and output of AI models.

Due to prompt engineering’s capacity to enhance the functionality and management of language models, it has attracted a lot of attention. This article will delve into the concept of prompt engineering, its significance and how it works.

Understanding prompt engineering

Prompt engineering involves creating precise and informative questions or instructions that allow users to acquire desired outputs from AI models. These prompts serve as precise inputs that direct language modeling behavior and text generation. Users can modify and control the output of AI models by carefully structuring prompts, which increases their usefulness and dependability.

Related: How to write effective ChatGPT prompts for better results

History of prompt engineering

In response to the complexity and expanding capabilities of language models, prompt engineering has changed over time. Although quick engineering may not have a long history, its foundations can be seen in early NLP research and the creation of AI language models. Here’s a brief overview of the history of prompt engineering:

Pre-transformer era (Before 2017)

Prompt engineering was less common before the development of transformer-based models like OpenAI’s  generative pre-trained transformer (GPT). Contextual knowledge and adaptability are lacking in earlier language models like recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which restricts the potential for prompt engineering.

Pre-training and the emergence of transformers (2017)

The introduction of transformers, specifically with the “Attention Is All You Need” paper by Vaswani et al. in 2017, revolutionized the field of NLP. Transformers made it possible to pre-train language models on a broad scale and teach them how to represent words and sentences in context. However, throughout this time, prompt engineering was still a relatively unexplored technique.

Fine-tuning and the rise of GPT (2018)

A major turning point for rapid engineering occurred with the introduction of OpenAI’s GPT models. GPT models demonstrated the effectiveness of pre-training and fine-tuning on particular downstream tasks. For a variety of purposes, researchers and practitioners have started using quick…

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