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WebMoney adds support for Tether (USDT) wallet units » CryptoNinjas

WebMoney adds support for Tether wallet (USDT) units

WebMoney, an e-currency payment system, announced today it has added a new type of title unit – WMT – with accounting in stablecoin Tether (USDT).

1 WMT corresponds to 1 USDT. USDT tokens are supported on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain; while Tron and other chains will be added later.

Transfers between WMT wallets are instant with low and fixed commissions. Tether deposits and withdrawals are carried out on the website

Now, WMT can be exchanged for other title units, for example, WMZ (WebMoney USD Unit), WMX (BTC), WMF (ETH), and more.

Owners of WMT wallets benefit from all features of the WebMoney system, including dozens of services for doing business and settlements.

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