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Web3 is about solving business problems, not token prices: Google Cloud exec

Web3 is about solving business problems, not token prices: Google Cloud exec

The crypto industry is far too focused on token prices, rather than figuring out how smart contracts can be used to solve real-world business problems, according to Google Cloud’s Web3 lead. 

In an interview with Cointelegraph, Google Cloud’s Head of Web3 James Tromans stressed the need to focus more on the business logic in the smart contract rather than the supply and demand dynamics of the token:

“What are the business problems that you want to get executed? When you’re running a smart contract to execute some business logic to solve your business problem, you’re using a token, but the token is not the thing, it’s the business problem that’s the thing.”

“So I would like us to get away from all this talk about tokens and token speculation as if that is Web3 — that is not Web3,” Tromans added.

One of Google Cloud’s main blockchain services is its Blockchain Node Engine, offering users a self-hosted node to access blockchain data, conduct transactions, build smart contracts and run decentralized applications.

Tromans argued that blockchain and smart contracts can lead to innovation, lower operational costs and new revenue streams.

Google Cloud’s James Troman in a recent interview at Token 2049 in Singapore. Source: Google Cloud

Despite the bear market, Tromans said Google Cloud has still seen strong demand from enterprises looking to integrate blockchain technology:

“Over the past 12 to 15 months in the traditional enterprise space, interest in leveraging blockchain technology to improve efficiency, reduce cost and improve the speed of innovation hasn’t gone away.”

Most of this demand has come from the TradFi sector to solve basic finance and accounting problems, Tromans explained. But Google Cloud customers are increasingly looking at integrating blockchain-based solutions in digital identity and supply chain, he added.

Digital ID in particular has been a hot topic of debate in the Web3 world of late, with the recent launch of Worldcoin on Jul. 24 — an iris biometric cryptocurrency project founded by OpenAI chief executive Sam Altman in 2019.

Blockchain tech isn’t invisible enough

Tromans however argues that blockchain tech won’t likely see mass adoption, at least until user experience improves. 

“If the average end user, who isn’t a computer scientist, who doesn’t understand blockchain, has to know about their private keys — we’ve got it wrong. They have to be abstracted away,” he explained.

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