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Vitalik Buterin praises decentralized consensus of X Community Notes

Vitalik Buterin praises decentralized consensus of X Community Notes

Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin views X’s (formerly Twitter) Community Notes feature as a transparent, consensus-driven approach reminiscent of crypto.

In a recent blog post, Buterin provides an in-depth analysis of Community Notes through a crypto lens. Community Notes allow users to append context and fact-checking notes to tweets. The visibility of each note is determined by a publicly verifiable algorithm that aims to surface nonpartisan notes endorsed across ideological divides.

Launched in 2021 as Birdwatch, Community Notes invites users to counter misinformation by contributing fact-checking notes. The algorithm behind Community Notes then scores each note based on peer reviews. Notes rated as “helpful” by a diverse cross-section of politically opposed reviewers are shown publicly. In contrast, divisive notes favored only by one side are suppressed.

Machine Learning & Crypto Integration

Buterin examines the machine learning techniques used to calculate user and note “polarity” along a left-right political spectrum. By identifying polarity, the algorithm can select notes considered informative by both poles. Buterin finds that highly partisan notes reliably receive negative polarity scores from the algorithm, while factual, nonpartisan notes achieve positive scores. This provides evidence that the algorithm achieves its goal of rewarding consensus.

However, Buterin notes the algorithm’s complexity could enable manipulation by bad actors. A blockchain approach would favor transparency and verifiability over raw effectiveness. Regardless, Buterin considers Community Notes a small but meaningful step toward decentralized governance. No individual user or centralized moderator picks which notes are shown. The algorithm’s incentives naturally surface broadly acceptable perspectives without ideological bias.

Buterin acknowledges Community Notes likely will fact-check only a tiny fraction of misinformation on X’s platform. However, he argues the feature has…

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