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Trump’s Niece Believes Republicans Are ‘Terrified’ After NY Special Election: ‘Exactly The Kinds Of Voters Who Will Abandon Donald’

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Donald Trump’s niece Mary Trump on Wednesday delved into why Democratic party candidate Tom Suozzi’s win in the special election for the New York Congressional District of Long Island is bad news for the Republican party.

The election was held to fill in the seat vacated by GOP’s George Santos, who was ousted from the House in December over multiple charges, including wire fraud and money laundering.

What Happened: Referring to data from the election result, Mary Trump said “A Democrat won the swingiest [sic] of New York swing districts by almost 8%.” In 2022, Santos won by a more modest 7.5%, she noted.

Mary Trump, a psychologist, podcaster and author, also said the election result undermined three key Republican talking points, namely the immigrant crisis, voters not caring about Donald Trump’s criminal activity and voters forgetting about abortion.

“The strategy Mike Johnson and the Republican Party employed to beat Suozzi was a preview of their playbook for 2024,” she said. This week’s election result proved their plan wasn’t working, she added.

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Republicans Lose On All Talking Points: Mary Trump noted that the GOP focused their campaign on the influx of immigrants into New York City and attacked Suozzi along with President Joe Biden. “Almost every single Republican ad focused on immigration, she said, adding that voters, however, did not buy it.

The results also showed voters “resoundingly rejected the Republican Party’s candidate in favor of a clean slate,” Mary Trump said.

“The independent swing voters who rejected Santos’ party are exactly the kinds of voters who will abandon Donald if we can reach them,” she added.

Suozzi reminded voters at every opportunity that Republicans would take away their rights, just as they did with the abortion rights of women, Mary Trump said. This also cut ice with voters, she suggested.

“Republicans are terrified by Suozzi’s victory” in New York so much so that House Speaker Mike Johnson took to airwaves to downplay it, the ex-president’s niece said.

Mary Trump said voters were crossing party lines in the Democrats’ favor because “Republicans cannot…

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