Bitcoin News

Trump could be considering Bitcoin as a reserve asset to join the ‘SoftWar’ road to $1 million

Trump could be considering Bitcoin as a reserve asset to join the ‘SoftWar’ road to $1 million

Jason Lowery, the author of “SoftWar: A Novel Theory on Power Projection and the National Strategic Significance of Bitcoin,” revealed at the start of June that members of Donald Trump’s campaign administration have contacted him regarding his expertise on Bitcoin.

“I can confirm that I have been reached out to by folks from Trump’s campaign administration about you-know-what. I told them I’m ready and willing to move to DC if called upon.”

In his communications, Lowery stressed the importance of Bitcoin for national security and its strategic significance for the US military, particularly in defending and securing cyberspace. He suggested the formation of a “US Hash Force” and discussed the potential establishment of a new government agency to oversee Bitcoin-related initiatives.

Lowery proposed that agencies such as the Department of Energy (DoE) and the Department of Defense (DoD) would be involved. Specifically, he recommended that either the US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) or the US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) establish a Combined Hash Force Component Command (CHFCC).

“In my thesis I recommend that either USCYBERCOM or USSTRATCOM should have a Combined Hash Force Component Command (CHFCC) involving FVEYE & NATO countries.”

This command would collaborate with FVEYE and NATO countries to counteract similar efforts by Russia and China in the evolving digital warfare landscape, which he terms the “#Softwar.”

A few days later, Lowery cryptically announced, “Let the #softwar begin 🇺🇸🦌
🫡🤫👋” and subsequently declared he would be “going dark,” implying a period of reduced public communication or increased secrecy.

Lowery emphasized his political neutrality, asserting that he supports any Commander-in-Chief and does not endorse any political party. He clarified that only the Trump campaign had reached out to him.

Bitcoin as a reserve asset in the US

More recently, in reply to Dylan LeClair sharing a Forbes article highlighting Trump’s discussions on Bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset, Lowery responded with a suggestive wink emoji, indicating his awareness and possible involvement in these high-level strategic conversations about Bitcoin’s future role in national security and economic policy.

In the article, Sam Lyman, the public policy director at Riot Platforms, discusses the emerging political discourse surrounding Bitcoin as a potential strategic reserve asset. This conversation has been notably propelled…

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