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Trend Forecaster Gerald Celente Says World War 3 Has Begun — ‘If the People Don’t Unite for Peace, We Are Finished’ – Interview Bitcoin News

Trend Forecaster Gerald Celente Says World War 3 Has Begun — ‘If the People Don’t Unite for Peace, We Are Finished’

This week News spoke with Gerald Celente, the popular trends forecaster, and publisher of the Trends Journal. During a telephone conversation, Celente discussed the uncertainty surrounding the global economy after governments worldwide locked down the world’s citizens over the Covid-19 pandemic, shut down businesses and injected trillions into the economy. The discussion touches upon gold, bitcoin, the pandemic, the Ukraine-Russia war, and the Federal Reserve. The trends forecaster believes that World War III has already begun, and if people do not assemble to bolster peace in this world then we the people are doomed. Celente stressed that if people want real change, they cannot rely on hope as they need to take a stand to make it happen themselves.

Trend Forecaster Gerald Celente Discusses the Economy, Covid 19, Great Reset, Gold, Bitcoin and More News (BCN): What do you think about the global economy and the way it is today?

Gerald Celente (GC): The Trends Journal had forecast this back in 2000. The reality that everybody is forgetting is that the Covid War destroyed the livelihoods of hundreds of millions, if not billions of people. The only thing they did to prevent it was to inject countless trillions of dollars of monetary methadone into the equity markets through their bond-buying schemes and keeping interest rates to negative and zero rate policy.

Then governments pump in countless trillions of free money to keep pumping up the economy artificially. It should have crashed — You got some little jerks telling you: “We’re gonna flatten the curve, we are making up this crap! We’re gonna lock you down. You are a non-essential piece of crap. Meanwhile, the big guys who give me money that morons and imbeciles call campaign contributions” — that adults call “bribes and payoffs” — “they can stay open.”

“We’ll wipe out businesses from coast to coast around the world! Oh, you want to go to a dry cleaner now?” In the United States, a third of them went out of business. Yeah, I wonder why? Because people are not working in the office anymore? Oh, office occupancy rate… Depending on the numbers you see and what crap you swallow — around 50%. You mean all the businesses that used to rely on millions and millions of commuters, can no longer rely on them and they are now out of business… Yeah we’re not going to write about that, as a matter of fact, what we’re gonna do is every time…

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