Bitcoin News

Tracking Do Kwon, Looking For Payback

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The UST Restitution Group is on Do Kwon’s tail. A few governments and this civilian group are all out looking for the Terra creator, who insists that he’s not on the run. The Terra/ Luna collapse was one for the books, and that book is still open. We will write many more headlines about Do Kwon, and probably a few about the UST Restitution Group also. What’s done is done, some might say, but others will not rest until the case involves a court. 

In the FT article menacingly titled “Retail investors become vigilantes in hunt for crypto’s most wanted man,” we get to meet the UST Restitution Group. It’s “an association of nearly 4,400 crypto investors trying to track down Kwon, who is wanted in South Korea on charges of financial fraud.” That’s not Do Kwons only legal problem, the UST Restitution Group “launched class action lawsuits against Kwon in Singapore and the US, while Interpol has issued a red notice for him. South Korea is expected to revoke his passport on Wednesday.”

UST Restitution Group: Anons Looking For Do Kwon

According to the UST Restitution Group’s website, “Members have suggested that Kwon could be in Dubai, Russia, Azerbaijan, the Seychelles or Mauritius, among other locations.” A pseudonymous user went further and wrote, “Dubai is friendly to crypto, very international (he would not stand out), and has limited extradition treaties in place. It would seem like the best fit for the 3-5 hour timezone shift apparent in the data.”

Reviewing their impressive methods, another pseudonymous user reveals, “I obviously wouldn’t delve into specifics because publishing our methods would render them ineffective. I think we’re doing more than anyone else, though.” This UST Restitution Group member “introduced himself as a 31-year-old Ivy League-educated American,” and goes by the name of Antithesis. “His days are numbered. We have people who are very, very close to Do Kwon,” the person said. 

These are very high-level people. They’ve been scorned and they want answers. What will they do to Do Kwon when they find him, though? Another UST Restitution Group member that goes by the name of HKTrader “said he spent a month organising a Singapore class action lawsuit against Kwon and discovered his whereabouts in the country by hiring a private detective.”

Do Kwon is not in Singapore” anymore, though.

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