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The Sam Bankman-Fried Trial: Our Favorite Quotes, So Far

The SBF Trial: How Did We Get Here?

It’s fall break! Thursday ended early after just two witnesses – former FTX General Counsel Can Sun and Third Point’s Robert Boroujerdi – testified briefly. We won’t be back in the courthouse at 500 Pearl Street until next Thursday, Oct. 26, when we’ll resume our normal analyses. Instead, today, CoinDesk’s SBF trial team is proud to present: Our favorite quotes.

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“Believe it or not, we’re just about ready.” – Judge Lewis Kaplan, after a brief delay pulling prospective jurors in. (10/03/23)

“How close is the relationship between you and one of the –” “It’s my husband’s co-worker.” – Judge Kaplan, questioning a prospective juror about whether she really needed to fly to a wedding in Colombia. (10/03/23)

“I don’t understand the cryptocurrency, how it works … [W]hen the case first started, my son was the one that brought it to my attention. He did try to explain to me how it works. I don’t actually still understand how cryptocurrency works.” – A prospective juror explaining his familiarity with the case. (10/03/23)

“And just so we’re all complete, who’s Tom Brady?” – Judge Kaplan, making sure the GOAT was on the record. (10/04/23)

“I don’t think there is anybody in the room who has never seen [a Toyota Corolla].” – Judge Kaplan, in one of the first of his many slap-downs on lines of questioning he deemed unnecessary. (10/05/23)

“It felt like a dorm in the sense that I was living with others but not like a dorm in the sense that it was very luxurious.” – Former FTX developer Adam Yedidia, describing his living conditions at an FTX apartment in the Bahamas, where he lived with several other executives. (10/05/23)

“The first time, we picked a number so high that it would never be hit, the number we picked was $1 billion, and then it was hit again, and then the number picked was $65 billion.” – Former FTX Chief Technology Officer Gary Wang, explaining Alameda’s line of credit. (10/06/23)

“Microsoft’s stock must be plunging.” – Judge Kaplan, after Assistant U.S. Attorney (AUSA) Danielle Sassoon said she was done presenting spreadsheets to former Alameda Research CEO Caroline…

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