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The Coorest Carbon Standard Now Officially Certified – Press release Bitcoin News

The Coorest Carbon Standard Now Officially Certified – Press release Bitcoin News

PRESS RELEASE. Coorest, a Polygon-native project, is the first blockchain project to have a certified standard for carbon compensation entirely on-chain — allowing anyone with an internet connection to compensate for their carbon footprint, thereby demonstrating that the newly certified Coorest Carbon Standard (CCS) is an excellent alternative to other pre-existing standards.

As a result of the new standard, all activities related to carbon compensation must be carried out through the blockchain; this ensures that all steps of the carbon compensation process are visible at all times and the process is transparent.

The Floodlight Chainlink node introduces a new level of accountability by monitoring carbon capture projects via satellite and validating the carbon capture process with satellite data. This feature proves actual carbon capture, thereby ensuring that Coorest’s carbon tokens are provably backed by absorbed CO2. Furthermore, the standard guarantees the additionality of Coorest’s carbon tokens, backed by carbon capture. Before exploring the details behind the CCS, it is essential to understand what makes it a legitimate methodology for carbon compensation.

Certified by an official United Nations auditor

The CCS is certified by Earthood, an official United Nations auditor. Earthood recognises Coorest’s CO2 tokens as a valid carbon compensation method.

The methodology of CCS includes a strict set of rules for carbon capture projects. Among these is the requirement for the additionality of carbon capture. Carbon capture projects can only tokenise carbon from newly planted trees that respect the region’s biodiversity. Therefore, planting native tree species is preferable, while using invasive species is strictly prohibited.

Finally, the carbon capture project must submit to regular satellite monitoring and agree that its carbon capture can only be used as carbon compensation in the form of Coorest CO2 tokens; this guarantees the validity of Coorest’s carbon standard and ensures accountability right from the beginning.

Carbon compensation secured by smart contracts

Smart contracts are blockchain programs that automatically run when certain conditions are met. For example, Coorest carbon tokens are minted by smart contracts. It is done to secure the tokenisation of carbon and guarantees that all carbon tokens are backed by carbon capture.

There are two main conditions required by Coorest’s smart contracts to mint…

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