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Spacemesh, the People’s Coin, Launches Following Five Years of Research

Spacemesh, the People’s Coin, Launches Following Five Years of Research

July 14, 2023 – Tel Aviv, Israel

Spacemesh is proud to announce today, that after five years of work, they will at long last be performing network genesis on July 14, 2023, at 08:00 UTC.

Spacemesh chose the date of July 14, which commemorates the storming of the Bastille, as the day to launch the ‘People’s Coin.’

The goal is to establish a cryptocurrency that can achieve widespread distribution particularly among younger generations and underprivileged demographics who are currently unable to participate in the cryptocurrency revolution due to insurmountable barriers to entry.

Spacemesh – the People’s Coin is born today

Spacemesh’s team of cryptographers, led by Prof. Tal Moran, spent over five years building a radically novel way to achieve consensus in the permissionless setting from scratch.

  • Instead of the commonly-used PoW or PoStake, Spacemesh uses PoST (proof of space-time).
  • Rather than a chain topology (i.e., a blockchain), Spacemesh uses a DAG (directed acyclic graph) – or a ‘mesh’.
  • Additionally, rather than the winner-takes-all paradigm via lottery (‘competitive mining’) used by all Nakamoto-based consensus protocols, Spacemesh uses lottery-free, non-competitive, ‘leaderless’ voting (‘collaborative mining’).
  • Lastly, instead of generating a new proof for every challenge, which is energy intensive, Spacemesh miners reuse the original proof continually resulting in extremely low energy use and near-zero ongoing costs for operating a miner.

The Spacemesh protocol ensures fairness for smaller home miners by rewarding them based on their storage commitment size during each epoch, which occurs approximately every two weeks.

This prevents powerful miners, including adversarial ones, from receiving a disproportionate share of rewards.

Spacemesh also has significantly lower barriers to entry compared to other permissionless cryptocurrencies.

To become a miner (‘smesher’), all that is required is a PC with available storage space, any GPU with OpenCL support and a reliable internet connection.

Specialized mining equipment is unnecessary, and ongoing power usage is low, resulting in minimal electricity bills. Additionally, there is no need for deposits, bank accounts or credit cards.

The combination of low entry barriers, low operational costs and incentive compatibility establishes a novel guarantee of fair distribution.

Once a miner joins the network by committing the minimum required…

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