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Snoop Dogg Associate Joins Gala Music Board, Death Row Records Steps Closer to Blockchain Commitment – Blockchain Bitcoin News

Snoop Dogg Associate Joins Gala Music Board, Death Row Records Steps Closer to Blockchain Commitment

After the rap star Snoop Dogg acquired Death Row Records in February, the hip-hop legend explained that he would transform Death Row into a non-fungible token (NFT) label backed by blockchain technology. On Thursday, Snoop’s brand partnership manager Nick Adler joined a newly-created Gala Music advisory board, alongside the record label executive DJ EFN, Grammy-nominated musician BT, and Tupac Shakur’s former manager Leila Steinberg.

Snoop’s Blockchain Ambitions

Snoop Dogg’s blockchain ambitions are gaining headway as the legendary rapper’s brand partnership manager Nick Adler joined Gala Music as an advisory board member. Snoop has been a fan of cryptocurrencies for close to a decade, and even accepted bitcoin (BTC) for his album back in 2013.

In more recent times, Snoop has been an avid fan and promoter of non-fungible token (NFT) technology. Over a year ago, Snoop revealed he was a crypto whale with millions of dollars worth of NFTs. At the time, he told the public he was “Cozomo de’ Medici,” a character on Twitter and known on NFT marketplaces like Opensea, that holds a massive stash of blue-chip NFTs.

At the beginning of 2022, headlines detailed that Snoop acquired the record label that helped catapult his music career — Death Row Records. The rapper purchased the label from MNRK Music Group and he released his 19th album called BODR. After the purchase, Snoop told the media that blockchain technology and NFTs would be an important element in Death Row’s ecosystem.

“Picture me taking one of my classic records that you love to death, and you’ve always cherished it and it means so much to you,” Snoop explained to the media publication Complex in April 2022. “Now you have the right to buy it and own it, and to trade it and to make money off of it. Now you actually own a piece of Snoop Dogg’s legacy as opposed to, I have a copy of his CD that I lost.”

During his interview Snoop added:

Now you actually own something that’s actually yours that you can profit off of. I just feel like that’s where the industry is headed. Being in it for so many years, 30 years strong. My fans coming to show up for me, me charging them for everything. T-shirts, concerts, this, that, but not giving them shit back. Don’t sit right.

Snoop’s Brand Manager Nick Adler Joins Newly Launched Gala Music Advisory Board, Legendary Rapper Disses Streaming Platforms

On Thursday, the blockchain music company Gala Music revealed that…

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