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Robert Kiyosaki Predicts $10 Million Bitcoin — Here’s Why

Robert Kiyosaki Predicts $10 Million Bitcoin — Here’s Why

Priced around $57,500 in mid-July, bitcoin is up nearly 90% in 2024 alone. Its market capitalization is well over $1 trillion. With all that growth, it’s worth asking what comes next for bitcoin.

Many financial analysts disagree, but in a post on X, “Rich Dad” Robert Kiyosaki predicted that bitcoin will reach a price of $10 million per coin. Here’s his reasoning and other experts’ predictions for the future price of bitcoin.

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Kiyosaki’s $10 Million Bitcoin Prediction

Kiyosaki believes that bitcoin, stocks and even real estate will experience a major crash soon. He bases this on the United States’ debt problem.

The U.S. currently has nearly $35 trillion in debt. To put that into perspective, the U.S. now pays 16% of the federal budget on debt payments. Plus, the national debt keeps going up — it’s increased every year for the last decade and shows no signs of stopping.

Bitcoin bulls like Kiyosaki say this will cause the government to continue printing more and more money. If it doesn’t, the U.S. would potentially have to default on its debt payments.

As more money goes into circulation, the value of every dollar declines through inflation. This leads to soaring prices and eventually a loss of faith in the currency — as Kiyosaki points out has happened in Germany and Zimbabwe, among other countries.

So, Kiyosaki believes the U.S.’s debt problem will eventually make the value of the dollar collapse. He thinks this will cause a corresponding collapse in asset markets.

The question then becomes: What will replace the dollar as a store of value? Kiyosaki predicts it will be gold, silver and bitcoin. He predicts money will flee from dollars and pour into these assets starting in late 2025. When all is said and done, Kiyosaki believes bitcoin will be “easily” worth $10 million per coin.

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Bitcoin Price Predictions From Financial Experts

Kiyosaki’s bitcoin thesis is a familiar one, shared by many of its most ardent supporters. Although some people agree with his price prediction, many do not. Consider a few other ideas about the future of bitcoin.

Cathie Woods…

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