Bitcoin News

Ripples of Bitcoin adoption at Biarritz’s Surfin Bitcoin Conference in France

Ripples of Bitcoin adoption at Biarritz’s Surfin Bitcoin Conference in France

A sublime sunset enveloped Biarritz Casino on Aug. 27, bringing France’s largest Bitcoin (BTC) conference to a close. Located in southwest France and organized by French Bitcoin exchange Stackin Sat, Surfin Bitcoin assembled a host of Bitcoin OG’s, newbies and no coiners, those yet to buy or earn crypto, in a setting that would rival any Hollywood film set.

Bitcoiners networked in the hope of learning more about the Lightning Network, landing jobs at one of the many French Bitcoin companies present — from Galoy Money to Découvre Bitcoin — or simply rubbing shoulders with fellow Bitcoin believers. In a touch of bear market irony, as the Bitcoin chips are currently way down, the event venue took place at the illustrious Biarritz Casino. 

From Bitcoin core maintainers to European royalty to naturally CEOs from the largest French crypto companies, the vibe was distinctly French, albeit with a fizzy international influence.

Cointelegraph and Ledger CEO Pascal Gauthier (right) in front of the Biarritz Casino and Biarritz’ Grande Plage.

Bitcoin maximalism was on full display. Panelists and moderators had carte blanche to slamdunk on shitcoiners as hotly anticipated debates compared crypto venture capitalists to gamblers and boasted the merits and queried the limitations of Bitcoin’s layer-2 Lightning Network. Representatives from Aave and various crypto decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) expressed their admiration for Bitcoin but held true to their vision of a multi-coin future.

While there were several official commercial announcements during the event, speakers spontaneously stumbled across certain revelations. During a panel on mining, Pierre Rochard of Riot Mining announced his intention to rename mining to “timestamping” to avoid confusion regarding the act of retrieving scarce resources from a physical space. Timestamping would make education easier, he explained, and it’s also Satoshi Nakamoto’s way of explaining mining in the white paper.

Similarly, on the Lightning Network panel, Blockstream’s Christian Decker, also known as Dr. Bitcoin, described the Lightning Network as an “ant network.” In essence, he explained, the LN behaves like an ant colony. Much like a group of ants, the LN seeks out productive areas of activity and congregates in spaces where efficient routes or channel hops can link together.

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