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Real-time reconciliation with Overseer | by Coinbase | Sep, 2022

Real-time reconciliation with Overseer | by Coinbase | Sep, 2022

Tl;dr: A common challenge with distributed systems is how to ensure that state remains synchronized across systems. At Coinbase, this is an important problem for us as many transactions flow through our microservices every day and we need to ensure that these systems agree on a given transaction. In this blog post, we’ll deep-dive into Overseer, the system Coinbase created to provide us with the ability to perform real-time reconciliation.

By Cedric Cordenier, Senior Software Engineer

Every day, transactions are processed by Coinbase’s payments infrastructure. Processing each of these transactions successfully means completing a complex workflow involving multiple microservices. These microservices range from “front-office” services, such as the product frontend and backend, to “back-office” services such as our internal ledger, to the systems responsible for interacting with our banking partners or executing the transaction on chain.

All of the systems involved in processing a transaction store some state relating to it, and we need to ensure that they agree on what happened to the transaction. To solve this coordination problem, we use orchestration engines like Cadence and techniques such as retries and idempotency to ensure that the transactions are eventually executed correctly.

Despite this effort, the systems occasionally disagree on what happened, preventing the transaction from completing. The causes of this blockage are varied, ranging from bugs to outages affecting the systems involved in processing. Historically, unblocking these transactions has involved significant operational toil, and our infrastructure to tackle this problem has been imperfect.

In particular, our systems have lacked an exhaustive and immutable record of all of the actions taken when processing a transaction, including actions taken during incident remediation, and been unable to verify the consistency of a transaction holistically across the entire range of systems involved in real time. Our existing process relied on ETL pipelines which meant delays of up to 24 hours to be able to access recent transaction data.

To solve this problem, we created Overseer, a system to perform near real-time reconciliation of distributed systems. Overseer has been designed with the following in mind:

  • Extensibility: Writing a new check is as simple as writing a function, and adding a new data source is a matter of configuration in the average case. This makes it easy for new teams…

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