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Massa Ecosystem’s Recent Hypergrowth Analyzed – Press release Bitcoin News

Massa Ecosystem's Recent Hypergrowth Analyzed – Press release Bitcoin News

PRESS RELEASE. Massa’s testnet has become a magnet for more than 16 projects since its launch back in July 2021. Interest towards this innovative blockchain ecosystem has exploded since the beginning of this year. But what is it that makes Massa special?

Massa is an innovative blockchain network that aims to combine high performance with true decentralization from the ground up. The Massa testnet allows anyone to experiment with the protocol and witness its continuous improvements first-hand.

One of the main reasons why Massa attracted so many web3 pioneers in Q1 of this year is that it solves the common challenges that most Layer 1 blockchains face, such as high fees, low throughput, and centralization risks. Furthermore, Massa enables both developers and users to participate in the network governance and support the vision of a fully decentralized future.

The web3 community has clearly recognized the ultimate potential in Massa. The positive feedback from crypto developers reflects the values of the Massa core team, which is fully committed to creating a truly decentralized future. Blockchain developers are very selective and they prefer to build on blockchains that have set a clear goal to remain independent and free from any central authority. This might also explain why Massa has attracted so many projects on its testnet with only a modest seed round of 5 million USD. Unlike most Layer 1 blockchains that depend on millions of USD in ecosystem funds to lure projects, Massa’s organic ecosystem growth is remarkable.

What makes Massa’s vision so attractive to web3 developers?

Massa is a project with a dual vision for Web3’s future. It aims to provide a scalable and reliable infrastructure that allows dApps to operate in a fully decentralized and censorship-resistant manner. It also wants to ensure that smart contracts can survive on the blockchain even if the project that created them goes out of business. To make this possible, Massa hosts smart contracts on-chain and makes them serverless forever.

Additionally, Massa makes it easier for web2 developers to join the web3 movement. It uses AssemblyScript as its smart contract language, which lets any web developer write and deploy smart contracts with no extra hassle. Massa also has some unique features that distinguish it from other blockchains, such as autonomous smart contracts and web3-on-chain. These features make the network more attractive and powerful for both…

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