Bitcoin News

Launching Cryptocurrency Exchanges: A Fad or a Trend?

Launching Cryptocurrency Exchanges: A Fad or a Trend?

Is the popularity of crypto exchange businesses well-founded?

Vasily Alexeev, CEO UpTrader:

Since the ICO boom of 2015-2017, a steady trend of opening new crypto exchanges has begun. In times of huge amounts of crypto freely circulating on the market, startups raised money for crypto exchanges through ICO. It significantly minimized the risks of investing their own funds. The trend was understandable. Now, however, the desire to start crypto exchanges looks financially questionable. Forex CRM Provider UpTrader regularly receives requests to buy a White Label Crypto Exchange or even develop our own from scratch. We make sure to refer such clients to partners, but what drives today’s businessmen? Is it really a profitable business or a fad?

Competition in the exchange market

There are many exchanges. In recent years, they have become ubiquitous. There are more than 300 entries alone in CoinMarketCap (CMC), the top crypto exchange listing, and many more are waiting to be listed. As of today, the largest exchange by trading volume is Binance. It is followed by exchanges like Coinbase, HitBTC, and, in the third echelon, Kucoin, Bitfinex, and Huobi. The list goes on to include the exchanges without trading volume at all, which, incidentally, looks like a paradox, since one of the CMC listing requirements is trading volume of some sort. So if your exchange was not listed during simpler times, you have to somehow increase the volume, or look for cunning and rather expensive ways to circumvent the requirement.

Why earn a place in the CMC listing?

A cherished listing on CMC is necessary to get tokens listed on your exchange. The price of the token from your exchange will then go to the CMC token page, which is exactly what new token owners need. In addition, the listing has a significant impact on reputation, increases the value of the exchange, motivates investors, and allows you to attract traders.  Traders obviously have to trade with each other, and this set-up begs the question: if you just open an exchange and do not have traders or anyone to trade with, where would you get volume? The result is a vicious circle: no traders without volume, no volume without traders.


One of the options to increase trading volume is to buy liquidity from another exchange. It works in Forex, so it must work here too. It does, but not quite. In the Forex market, there is a huge difference between liquidity offered to brokerage companies (especially having licenses…

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