Ethereum News

Large holders cashed out ahead of Ethereum ETF launch

eth realized profit

The market has been gearing up for volatility before the launch of spot ETH ETFs in the US today. While ETH’s price action has been relatively uninteresting in the past few weeks, it seems that large holders are expecting price swings and are rushing to cash out.

Glassnode’s data on realized profit for Ethereum holders shows a dramatic increase from $144.598 million on July 21 to $747.311 million on July 22. This is a significant spike and the highest realized profit in over 40 days.

Graph showing the realized profit for Ethereum holders from May 22 to July 22, 2024 (Source: Glassnode)

Such a high spike warrants a detailed examination of wallet sizes and holding periods involved in the sell-off. Data shows that wallets holding between 10,000 and 100,000 ETH realized $626.982 million in profits on July 22, up from $35.744 million the previous day. This indicates that large holders, most likely institutional players or high-net-worth individuals, are cashing out ahead of the ETF launch.

eth realized profit by wallet size
Graph showing the realized profit for Ethereum holders by wallet size from June 24 to July 22, 2024 (Source: Glassnode)

Additionally, long-term holders were primarily responsible for the significant increase in realized profits. Profits from wallets holding ETH for over a year surged from $92.751 million to $666.227 million. This behavior aligns with a strategic move to lock in gains before potential market volatility associated with the ETF launch.

eth realized profit by lth sth
Graph showing the realized profit for Ethereum long-term (blue) and short-term holders (red) from June 24 to July 22, 2024 (Source: Glassnode)

Analyzing realized profits by holding age, the most significant increase is seen in the 6 to 12-month holding age category, with realized profits jumping to $577.677 million from $3.964 million. This suggests that holders from mid-2023 are securing their profits.

eth realized profit by age
Graph showing the realized profit for Ethereum holders based on supply age from June 24 to July 22, 2024 (Source: Glassnode)

The spike…

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