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Is Your Crypto at Risk? FBI Issues Dire Warning Over ‘Phantom Hacker’


As the crypto market continues to attract substantial investments, it has also witnessed a surge in scams and fraudulent activities. Regulatory institutions worldwide, spearheaded by the United States, seem to intensify their efforts to combat cyber threats, hacks, and frauds that affect the industry. 

However, the nascent sector is far from the only one suffering from increasing cyber threats. Since 2020, these attacks have been common both within the crypto space and outside.

In line with this, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) identified a new threat dubbed “The Phantom Menace.” The FBI issued a warning on September 29, alerting the public about the escalating “Phantom Hacker” scams, particularly affecting senior citizens. 

FBI Warns Of ‘Phantom Hacker’ Scams Targeting Crypto

The FBI’s statement revealed that the “Phantom Hacker” scam is an evolution of traditional tech support scams, employing imposter tech support, fraudulent exchange account support, and government personas to gain victims’ trust. This multi-layered approach helps scammers identify lucrative accounts to target. 

From January to June 2023, the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) received over 19,000 complaints about tech support and crypto scams, resulting in estimated losses exceeding $542 million. Losses have already surpassed 2022 figures by 40% as of August 2023.

The Scam Phases:

  • In the initial phase of the scam, fraudsters adopt the guise of tech or customer support representatives from legitimate companies. They reach out to their victims through various communication channels and employ persuasive tactics to convince them to call a designated number for assistance.

Once victims are connected, scammers manipulate them into downloading software that grants remote access to their computers. By fabricating a fictitious virus scan, scammers deceive victims into believing their computers have been compromised or are at risk.

Subsequently, they coax victims into opening their financial accounts, allowing scammers to identify the most lucrative targets.

  • Upon successfully gaining access to victims’ financial accounts, scammers proceed to the second phase of the scam. In this stage, they assume the role of representatives from reputable financial institutions such as banks or brokerage firms.

The scammers falsely inform victims that foreign hackers have compromised their computers and accounts. To ensure the…

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