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How To Find a Financial Advisor Who Can Help You Invest In Crypto

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Finding a financial advisor to work with is relatively easy, given that there are approximately 283,000 personal financial advisors in the U.S. But what if you’re looking for an advisor who can help you with a more specific asset class, like crypto? Then the search for the perfect financial advisor can get a little tricky.

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Keep reading as we discuss some ways you can find a financial advisor who is knowledgeable and can help you invest in crypto.

Before Hiring an Advisor Understand Crypto Yourself

Over the past several years, crypto’s popularity has skyrocketed. Crypto millionaires have been made, and others have a bit of FOMO. They don’t want to sit on the sidelines and miss out on their opportunity. But before jumping into any investment, it’s crucial to understand what you’re investing in. 

You must start by learning and understanding the basics. Understand blockchain technology and how it works. Get to know some of the key terms. Then, start familiarizing yourself with some of the cryptocurrencies that you’re interested in. Once you have a better understanding of the asset, you’ll be in a better position to actually invest your money. When investing, you never want to throw spaghetti at a wall and hope it sticks. There is too much at stake.

To help you narrow down the list of 283,000 financial advisors to find those that are knowledgeable about crypto, here are a few tips to follow.

Ask Around for Recommendations

Just like you might ask around for recommendations for other things in your life, finding the right financial advisor is no different. Talk to other investors in your circle who invest in crypto and see if they have any recommendations. Ask them about their experiences with the people they’ve worked with.

Additionally, if you interact with different online forums, use these to get recommendations from other members. Many of them have probably worked with someone in the past. You’ll just want to make sure you dig into the background of the people being recommended to make sure they’ll be a good fit.  

Look for People With Certifications

Look for an advisor who is a Certified Digital Asset Advisor (CDAA)…

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