Final Fantasy creator reveals ‘aggressive investment’ in blockchain games

Final Fantasy creator reveals ‘aggressive investment’ in blockchain games

Final Fantasy creator Square Enix is set to double down on blockchain game development despite turbulence in the crypto market, according to a Jan. 1 letter from the company’s president, Yosuke Matsuda.

The letter, titled “A New Year’s Letter from the President,” aimed to recap the company’s major accomplishments in 2022 and explain its plans for 2023. Out of 15 paragraphs, seven were about blockchain gaming, showing that blockchain gaming is a major focus of the company’s investing strategy going forward.

Matsuda stated that “blockchain entertainment” is the investment field his team will be most focused on in the medium term, to which they have devoted “aggressive investment and business development efforts.”

After summarizing the ups and downs of the crypto market between 2021 and 2022, Matsuda sought to make sense of the market’s recent decline. He said that new technologies often cause “confusion” but eventually become accepted as a normal part of everyday life. So if there is turmoil in the crypto market, this shouldn’t necessarily cause investors to doubt its potential, he stated, adding: 

“New technologies and frameworks lead to innovation, but they also create considerable confusion.”

Matsuda added that any technology that is able to ride out “societal tides” will gradually become part of people’s lives and eventually give rise to new businesses and growth.

“Following the excitement and exhilaration that surrounded NFTs and the metaverse in 2021, 2022 was a year of great volatility in the blockchain-related space,” he noted.

“However, if this proves to have been a step in a process that leads to the creation of rules and a more transparent business environment, it will definitely have been for the good of the growth of blockchain entertainment.”

Matsuda finished off the letter by stating that Square Enix has multiple blockchain games…

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