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Ethereum Price to Peak at $2,758 This Year, Then Fall to $2,342 by 2023’s End, Finder Experts Say – Markets and Prices Bitcoin News

Ethereum Price to Peak at $2,758 This Year, Then Fall to $2,342 by 2023 End, Finder Experts Say

A recent survey made public by the online comparison platform has revealed the predictions of 32 professionals in the fields of fintech and cryptocurrency. The specialists have expressed their conviction that ethereum, the second largest digital asset by market capitalization, will culminate at $2,342 per unit by the end of 2023.

Optimistic Outlook for Ethereum as Finder Survey Forecasts $5,491 by 2025 and $14,814 by 2030

Crypto and fintech specialists have convened to predict ethereum’s (ETH) future price in the latest Finder’s prediction report. Along with the projected price, the Shapella upgrade has been a topic of discussion among the Finder survey’s respondents.

Out of the total number of panelists, 21% expressed their concern over the potential centralization of the Ethereum network following the implementation of Shapella. Furthermore, half of the professionals surveyed anticipated an increase in regulatory scrutiny of the project in light of the upgrade.

A consensus among the majority of Finder’s experts was reached, indicating that ether will attain a peak of about $2,758 this year, but eventually fall within the range of $2,342 per unit by year-end. Regarding the panel’s opinions, 53% of the respondents recommended the purchase of ethereum at present, while 13% proposed it is time to sell. The remaining 33% of panelists suggested holding on to ethereum and patiently awaiting the opportune moment.

Paul Levy, a senior lecturer at the University of Brighton, is of the view that ether will conclude 2023 at $2,200 per coin. Levy believes that people have faith in ether’s future potential since it “is seen as a stable option offering more dependable continuity amidst the collapse of less rigorously tested platforms and coins.”

The team of experts at has also expressed their belief that ether will reach $5,491 by the conclusion of 2025, and they have further forecasted that by 2030, a solitary unit of ether will exchange for $14,814. Despite the consensus prediction of $2,342 per unit by the end of the year, some panelists were more optimistic about ethereum’s future prospects, anticipating even higher prices.

Ilya Volkov, CEO of Youhodler, is one such optimist, forecasting an end-of-year price of $2,600 per unit. “ETH as the second-largest cryptocurrency will continue to correlate with BTC and increase in price in the long distance,” Volkov expressed. Damian Chmiel, a senior analyst and editor…

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