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Entertainment Blockchain Company MetaSolare Announces New Project For “MusicFi”, “AnimeFi”, and “GameFi”

Entertainment Blockchain Company MetaSolare Announces New Project For “MusicFi”, “AnimeFi”, and “GameFi”

MetaSolare is a new Web3 startup for “MusicFi”, “AnimeFi”, and “GameFi” whose co-founders include DJ Steve Aoki and Masato Matsuura, chairman of Japanese Entertainment Company Avex. Today the company made its official launch, releasing details of its upcoming Web3 project, which are available on its official website.

The world is on the verge of a paradigm shift from Web2 to Web3, and new genres of entertainment that make full use of NFTs and tokens are beginning to see wide adoption. But this new era needs a new type of thinking, and a new open architecture where users have the power, and are involved in making the decisions.

To adapt to this revolution requires more than just knowledge of the entertainment industry: it requires knowledge from the blockchain and financial worlds as well. MetaSolare has brought together experts from all these industries to form an entirely new type of Web3 entertainment project.

These experts include co-founder DJ Steve Aoki, one of the most well known members of the crypto community, as well as Masato Matsuura, the chairman of Avex, one of Japan’s biggest media and entertainment companies. Together, they are proud to work on the MetaSolare Blockchain Ecosystem.

Project Vision

Building a new entertainment ecosystem takes three things: blockchain technology that allows users to own digital content, financial elements to allow for a sustainable content-centered economy, and game technology that allows for large-scale interactive communication.

MetaSolare isn’t a project that uses content and IP simply as instruments for financial investment. Instead, it fuses these three elements in a way that allows for entirely new entertainment experiences in the fields of anime, gaming, and music, where everyone involved can create them together.

■Game Fi

The words “Play to Earn” and “Play and Earn” are commonly used when talking about Blockchain games. MetaSolare looks to go a step further, to a society where games are part of everyday life.
In this world, everyone around the world can become a “co-creator”, helping to build a new future for gaming in any number of ways and from any number of places. Their passion for the game can become assets both tangible and intangible.

To make this possible, MetaSolare is working with a team of developers who have experience making some of the biggest video gaming titles in the world. Together, they’ll build a better world empowered by gaming, a dream that…

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