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Elon Musk Says He’d ‘Prefer To Be Dead’ Than Live To A 100, Depending On This Condition

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In a recent candid conversation with engineer, physician, and entrepreneur Peter Diamandis, Elon Musk, the mind behind SpaceX and Tesla, provided insightful perspectives on health, longevity, and the intricacies of life. The discussion, hosted on X Spaces, covered various topics, unveiling Musk’s outlook on extended life and the complexities inherent in the human experience.

On Health: Diamandis initially highlighted notable advancements in health, emphasizing a significant reduction in child mortality over the years. Child mortality, which was a staggering 42% a few hundred years ago, has now dropped to under 5%, showcasing substantial progress in health-related areas, according to Diamandis.

Human Longevity: The conversation then pivoted to the topic of life expectancy. Diamandis queried, “I think being able to have the vitality, the cognition, the physical prowess… that you have when you’re in your 40s or 50s through the age of 100, that’s my goal. Um, I mean, you want to make it to at least 100, don’t you?” 

Musk responded with candor, “Well, I guess it does depend on whether I have dementia. I don’t think I’d want to be a burden on society or have dementia and not know what’s going on. Um, I prefer to be dead.”

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Bio Mysteries: Delving into the intricacies of human biology, Musk explored potential advancements in healthspan extension. He drew attention to the symmetry in aging among the trillions of cells in the human body, hinting at a future where technology plays a pivotal role in understanding and enhancing life.

Bashing Overpopulation Claims: The conversation also touched on the global human population, with Musk yet again vehemently dismissing claims of overpopulation as “utter BS.” 

“The Earth is underpopulated, not overpopulated,” Musk said. “If your goal was to fly from LA to New York to drop a bowling ball on a human, you would fail.”

Diamandis, renowned for his contributions to space exploration and technology, is the founder and executive chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation. This organization orchestrates global competitions designed to spur technological advancements and address pressing challenges.

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