Ethereum News

Does an interchain future mean dApps developers have the responsibility to unify?


On the first day of the city-wide crypto event that was EthDenver, Steven Fluin, Head of Developer Relations at Axelar, put the onus of developers to build a more connected web3 by stating that “dApps developers have the responsibility to unify.”

Talking at the InterOp Summit, Fluin began by asking the audience to join a poll asking who had participated in either Cosmos, Bitcoin, or Ethereum. Following a sea of hands for both Cosmos and Ethereum, Bitcoiners were slim in numbers but still ever-present. Fluin then declared that “InterOp is the only place during EthDenver Buidl Week where you guys can talk to each other.”

Regardless of the humor, the message aligned with Axelar’s goal of creating an interchain world where blockchains safely interact without using risky bridging mechanics and sub-par UX. However, Fluin’s talk, entitled ‘Think Interchain,’ opened up a series of important issues that need to be considered related to the difficulties of managing a multi-chain world.

Multi-chain frustrations

Fluin retold an anecdote that most crypto users will be familiar with concerning attempting to bridge a token to another blockchain. While working on a personal project, Fluin wanted to deploy a smart contract to the Polygon blockchain. Firstly, he bought some MATIC on Coinbase only to discover that it was MATIC on the Ethereum blockchain, not Polygon.

Next, he then had to bridge the MATIC to Polygon using the native bridge, only to realize he needed some ETH to pay for the gas involved in bridging. Finally, Fluin made a bold statement regarding the current developer perception of an interchain world, stating that the thinking is “fundamentally flawed.”

“The way we make developers think about these chains is fundamentally flawed[…] This is a problem that is getting worse.”

While interchain is “the future” from the point of view of the Axelar team, there is work to bring benefits such as better, more accessible dApps and more “meaningful…

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