Ethereum News

Crypto Venture Firm Placeholder Capital Says Ethereum and Solana Are Like Android and iOS – Here’s Why

Crypto Venture Firm Placeholder Capital Says Ethereum and Solana Are Like Android and iOS – Here’s Why

A prominent crypto venture capital firm is comparing Ethereum (ETH) to the mobile operating system Android and Solana (SOL) to iOS.

In a new blog post, Placeholder Capital makes a case for why Ethereum and Solana are comparable to the two different operating systems.

“Ethereum and Solana are like Android and iOS. Android values modularity: it runs on many different types of devices made by hundreds of manufacturers worldwide; Google only makes 1-2% of them. This approach made it the world’s most popular mobile operating system, with an estimated 60-75% market share.

Android’s flexibility has been a boon for hardware companies making anything from smartphones to televisions, as they can bring new products to market without investing billions into building bespoke operating systems. However, such diversity also makes it more difficult to develop apps that seamlessly work across many devices with different specs, screen sizes, and the various versions of Android these devices run.”

The venture capital firm says that iOS has significant qualities that Android lacks, including a more consistent user experience.

“By contrast, because Apple makes all iOS devices, it can provide users and developers with a more integrated and consistent experience. The time saved by not having to optimize across different devices can go into delivering better apps that users are willing to pay a premium for, and it’s not uncommon for companies to launch on iOS first as a result.

So, while Apple has just about a third of the market in terms of distribution, it does a much better job at capturing the value of its ecosystem with a whopping ~60% of all mobile spend, plus all the hardware revenue.”

According to Placeholder Capital, Ethereum’s likeness to Android is helping to boost its layer-2 ecosystem.

“Ethereum is similar to Android in that it’s quickly becoming more of a platform for third-party networks than the place where most end-users and developers…

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