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CCRI Finds TRON as One of the Top Eco-Friendly Blockchains – Sponsored Bitcoin News

CCRI Finds TRON as One of the Top Eco-Friendly Blockchains – Sponsored Bitcoin News

A new report by the Crypto Carbon Ratings Institute (CCRI) showcases the environmental sustainability of the TRON network. According to the “Energy Efficiency and Carbon Footprint of the TRON Blockchain” report, the highly popular TRON network only consumes as much electricity as just fifteen average U.S. households.

The Environmental Sustainability of the TRON Network

The electricity consumption and related carbon footprint of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have been subject to extensive discussion in public, academia, and industry. Various estimations exist, comparing Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies’ electricity consumption to various mid-sized countries. The problem has been known for several years, and other systems and technologies have emerged to try and solve the issue.

The consensus mechanism of Proof of Stake (PoS) is deemed superior regarding the electricity requirements compared to the traditional Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanisms. While it is consensus in the broader scientific community that PoS does not exhibit the same electricity issues as PoW, individual PoS systems’ responsibility is typically less clear.

Due to the nature of the software engineering process and network architectures, different PoS systems rely on varying fundamentals regarding the hardware requirements, programming language, network size, transaction throughput, transaction complexity, and more. These factors influence the electricity consumption and, therefore, the carbon footprint of a respective network.

Since an extensive analysis of the electricity consumption and carbon footprint was not available for the cryptocurrency TRON, the report aimed to provide insights into, examine and include the electricity consumption, carbon footprint, and influencing factors of the TRON Proof of Stake blockchain network.

According to the investigation, the report can state that the TRON network has 367 nodes, 2.317bn transactions per year, the total yearly electricity consumption is 162,867.85 kWh, electricity per node is 443.78 kWh/year, electricity per transaction is 0.07 Wh, and total carbon emissions are 69.47/year. The results were extrapolated based on the assumption of the number of transactions occurring during the measurement period in one day to a yearly transaction count needed to contextualize the electricity consumption.

Based on the methodology used, outlined in the report as four steps to reach a result, the report can…

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