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Blockchain-based fintech company prepares to enter $500B freight settlement market

TruckCoinSwap (TCS): Partnership Material

The world is quick to blame inflation for the rising prices at grocery stores and retailers. This was the #1 political issue for recent Election Day voters in the United States. For example, media sources recently reported poll data that 85% of Americans could not afford to spend $200 on a Thanksgiving meal in November 2022, and only 25% could afford $100.

However, few recognize inflation is only part of the problem. Higher costs for products and services are also directly attributable to settlement fees paid by transportation providers who are forced to take out the equivalent of payday loans against their freight invoices.

Shipper payment terms in the transportation industry are known to be egregious, and most transportation carriers cannot afford to wait 30–180 days to get paid. When a carrier factors, it pledges the collection rights in its accounts receivable to the bank and, in exchange, the bank advances cash in about 10 business days.

By industry averages, this cost to carriers is 3% of every receivable — often escalating up to a 25% annualized interest rate. The bank then waits the 30–180 days and collects directly from the freight shipper. If inflation is thought of as a silent tax, invoice factoring is a second layer of silent taxes on everything we buy.

More than 1 million U.S. trucking companies are factoring 100% of their invoices, and 50% of third-party logistics companies are too. Due to inflation, larger transportation companies are also losing 3% or more of their invoice values when waiting over 60 days to get paid by shippers. These costs create higher freight rates, and the excesses ultimately trickle down to every household and consumer.

Fixing a broken supply chain by settling on the blockchain

TruckCoinSwap (TCS) is a fintech and freight-tech company utilizing a blockchain-integrated mobile app to provide fast and free freight receivables settlement to transportation companies. Moreover, TCS is listed on CrossTower in the U.S. and abroad in 80 countries, and is now also listed on Uniswap.

Chief technology officer Jake Centner explained:

“Centralized exchanges can work very well, and the team couldn’t be more proud of the relationships TCS has made. However, the TCS token must also have a decentralized exchange and non-custodial option in the ecosystem for transportation companies and holders. Uniswap has been the gold standard in this space.”

To that end, TCS has created a process and platform identical to how carriers are…

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