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Synthetix DEX launch to join efforts reducing the ‘serious friction’ in DeFi

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Decentralized derivatives protocol Synthetix is the latest project aiming to close the usability gap between centralized and decentralized exchanges — with a Q4 slated launch of the Synthetix V3 protocol and its decentralized exchange front-end, called Infinex.

Speaking to Cointelegraph, Synthetix founder Kain Warwick said the Q4 slated launch of Infinex — a decentralized perpetual futures exchange front-end which enables trades on Optimism (OP) — as the “missing component” that could bring more users to DeFi.

“From a trading perspective, DeFi is pretty close to feature parity with CeFi. We’ve got the liquidity, we’ve got the markets, we’ve got the depth, we’ve got the execution time. But we’re still missing a key component.”

“Right now, you still need to go jump through the hoops of self custody and all of these other little things that add serious friction. For the everyday user that’s used to trading on a CEX this is a level of friction that makes it really hard to use.”

Infinex will be among a growing roster of projects aimed at increasing the adoption and usability of DeFi protocols. On Sept. 7, a new protocol called Bumper launched with the goal of protecting users’ assets from crashes by pricing contract premiums based on actual volatility rather than past volatility.

On Sept. 6, DyDx Foundation CEO Charles d’Haussy told Cointelegraph that the exchange will soon offer a “purely decentralized” order book as it seeks to address the slow performance that comes with on-chain order books.

DeFi’s friction points

Giving more detail about the upcoming launch, Kain explained that Infinex’s primary focus will be to make it easier for traders to access decentralized perpetuals by way of removing friction points such as convoluted accounts controls and having to sign off on every transaction.

“Essentially, it’s the features and experience of a centralized exchange powered by decentralized infrastructure.”

In March, Maple Finance co-founder Sid Powell argued that institutional adoption of DeFi could only be achieved by reducing the friction for them. That month saw Maple Finance launch downloadable monthly interest statements that lenders can take to auditors or accountants. 

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