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Web 3.0 Gaming Isn’t Just About Asset Ownership – It’s Much Bigger

Web 3.0 Gaming Isn’t Just About Asset Ownership – It’s Much Bigger

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People think they know the value of Web 3.0 gaming that it’s all about users owning their own in-game assets as non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

This view is the most common misperception in the space, and it’s flat-out wrong. Ownership matters, but limiting the value of Web 3.0 gaming to ownership misses the full picture the potential for blockchain-based incentives to expand the gaming industry beyond even its current size.

Web 3.0 driving a world of monetization models for gamers

The innovation that is getting far less attention could be far more valuable – a world of monetization models for gamers, game builders and the communities that support them.

Right now, game developers have limited points of sale to reach both experienced gamers and casual ones. They may sell their game through a console, an app store or a service like Steam, for example.

But what if they could multiply their storefronts to include the entire internet, monetizing thousands and thousands of virtual spaces?

Consider the possibilities for developers if they were able to capture not just the new game market but also the secondary resale market so that they receive a portion back for each new user interacting with the game.

Games built on the blockchain are able to access a market so much larger than their current one, giving creators the ability to reach far more than they previously could.

It’s the difference between only being able to sell your game in a closed system, such as a single app store, and being able to sell it through a Shopify site that can integrate with every app and marketplace on the internet.

Consider this year’s League of Legends World Finals, where VIP guests were given a badge that, on the front of it, gave an ominous warning – anyone who sold or transferred that badge to another person would be immediately banned from the event.

That’s the current gaming economic model, intensely focused on keeping as strict a user moat, and as tight control over your closed game ecosystem, as possible.

Under a more open, blockchain-enabled economic model, you could create that VIP badge as an NFT.

Event organizers, instead of trying to restrict access, could instead let VIP holders sell that ticket to anybody, and each time it sold, the organizers would earn another five percent of that ticket resale value they weren’t able to harness before.

Smart contract-enforced royalties allow creators to…

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