6 Questions for Annabelle Huang of Amber Group – Cointelegraph Magazine

6 Questions for Annabelle Huang of Amber Group – Cointelegraph Magazine

We ask the buidlers in the blockchain and cryptocurrency sector for their thoughts on the industry… and throw in a few random zingers to keep them on their toes!


This week, our 6 Questions go to Annabelle Huang, the managing partner at Amber Group, a global leading digital asset platform.


Prior to Amber Group, I served as the Asia lead at AirSwap, a decentralized trading platform that enables peer-to-peer trading on the Ethereum blockchain. Before transitioning into digital assets, I advised private equity funds, U.S. corporates and hedge funds on structured solutions and risk management as an FX structurer at Deutsche Bank and Nomura in New York. My background in traditional financial markets, coupled with my experience in institutions and macro markets, has given me a unique vantage point in developing the product strategy and solutions delivered through Amber Group. 


1 — What’s a problem you think blockchain has a chance to solve, but it hasn’t been attempted yet?


The gender divide is a key social challenge that blockchain technology can potentially address. I believe blockchain technology has the potential to unlock investment opportunities for women, and I am honored to be in this industry to help build awareness among women and other marginalized communities about the utility of crypto and blockchain technology in their financial journey.

The industry is also moving at such a rapid pace and the possibility for innovations are limitless — what more can we do to financially empower women? And how else can we smash the glass ceiling for women who are building a career at the intersection of finance and tech? I strongly believe these are questions which we must tackle together, as an industry.


2 — What will happen to Bitcoin and Ether over the next 10 years?

Bitcoin and Ether are not going anywhere. If anything, they are going to gain in popularity as crypto goes mainstream. The price and value will continue to fluctuate as in any given financial market, but as the size of the communities that support them grows and regulations become clear, Bitcoin and Ether are likely to drive innovation and become a mainstay in the industry and beyond.


3 — Do you subscribe to the idea of Bitcoin as a means of payment, a store-of-value, both… or neither?

Both! I believe Bitcoin works just like any other currency, and holds its own stored value. We are seeing its widespread adoption these days, with the millions of transactions online and…

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