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Recently Signed 2009 Bitcoin Block Reward Linked to Hal Finney’s Set of BTC Transactions – Bitcoin News

Recently Signed 2009 Bitcoin Block Reward Linked to Hal Finney's Set of BTC Transactions

At the end of November, an unknown person signed a signature tied to an extremely old block reward mined on Jan. 19, 2009, and the user published a message and verified signature linked to the reward on the forum The message was tied to a bitcoin address associated with block 1,018, a block reward that was minted 16 days after Satoshi Nakamoto launched the network. Upon further investigation, onchain data shows that block 1,018 is linked to a great number of block rewards ostensibly mined by Hal Finney, and the signed block is also connected to the very first bitcoin transaction that derived from block 9.

Block 1,018 Signed by ‘Onesignature’ on Nov. 26, 2022, Is Associated With Hal Finney’s Mined Bitcoins and the Very First Bitcoin Transaction

On Nov. 26, 2022, a newly created forum account called “Onesignature” shocked the crypto community when the unknown individual signed a message associated with block 1,018. Onesignature’s message contained a new BTC address created in 2022, and the unknown person also signed the new address as well proving the user’s existence.

Recently Signed 2009 Bitcoin Block Reward Linked to Hal Finney's Set of BTC Transactions
Onesignature’s signature chain posted to on Nov. 26, 2022.

The signed message, according to’s Verification Tool and an Electrum wallet, is an authentic signature tied to the 2009 address “1NChf” or block 1,018. Block 1,018 and the bitcoin address 1NChf are both linked to the first BTC transaction that saw 10 BTC sent from Satoshi Nakamoto to Hal Finney and a great deal of BTC blocks associated with Finney.

For instance, on March 25, 2014, the journalist Andy Greenberg published a story about Hal Finney’s life and his affiliations with bitcoin. In the article, Greenberg said he was allowed to see emails sent to Finney from Nakamoto and Jason Finney, Hal’s son, showed Greenberg his father’s BTC wallet that shows the very first bitcoin transaction.

Recently Signed 2009 Bitcoin Block Reward Linked to Hal Finney's Set of BTC Transactions
This screenshot was included in an article written by Andy Greenberg in 2014. All of the transactions in this screenshot are associated with block 1,018, the block recently signed by the unknown Onesignature.

The first transaction was 10 BTC sent on Jan. 12, 2009, and it was confirmed at block height 170. In addition to the 10 BTC sent to Finney that day, Satoshi sent four more transactions from block 9. Two transfers for 10 BTC and two transactions that sent a single bitcoin each.

Greenberg’s article showcases an alleged screenshot of Hal Finney’s…

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