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7 blockchain project ideas for women

7 blockchain project ideas for women

Blockchain projects not only create new jobs and spur female entrepreneurship but also enhance women’s rights and other opportunities depending on the specific use case of the project at hand. Projects aimed at gender-based violence prevention, financial inclusion, supply chain transparency, land ownership and women’s rights protection are all ideas to support women globally. Moreover, more holistic platforms aimed at female education and entrepreneurship may be good ways to empower women via decentralized infrastructure. 

Preventing gender-based violence

Various blockchain project ideas for beginners may already set a woman’s personal development into motion in the most practical terms. For instance, women may consider creating blockchain-based solutions that prevent gender-based violence. Such a platform could provide a secure and anonymous channel for victims to report incidents and receive support. The platform could also provide a way for organizations and authorities to track and respond to cases in a trustless manner. 

Providing financial services and (micro) loans

A similar platform may provide women access to financial services, such as (micro) loans, insurance and wallet-based savings accounts. Microloans are essentially business loans provided through community-based solutions. They are crucial for female empowerment as women may struggle to access capital through traditional banks. 

Supply chain tracking for female-owned businesses

Worldwide, female businesses that manufacture products could benefit from a solution allowing supply chain tracking, ultimately enabling ethical and sustainable practices while offering the opportunity to support female entrepreneurs directly. By creating a blockchain-based solution that helps women-owned businesses to trace and verify the authenticity and origin of other products they use, final customers can decide to support said female business, for instance, by routing back payments to individual wallets. 

A decentralized registry for female-owned property

Another interesting blockchain project idea would be to develop a blockchain-based solution that provides secure and transparent land ownership records for women. Crucially, the platform could help women prove their ownership of land and property, which is often a challenge in many parts of the world.

Reporting and monitoring solutions for women’s rights

As a native solution or in collaboration with…

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