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3 blockchain use cases far beyond crypto

3 blockchain use cases far beyond crypto

Blockchain use cases have expanded far beyond cryptocurrency in the past years, with multiple industries embracing the technology in a wide range of fields, including healthcare, logistics, and financial services. 

The hype has many reasons behind it. Blockchains are decentralized, transparent, and increase the capacity of a whole network, opening a window for solutions that require significant computational power. More importantly, it gives users the capacity to control their assets, including their data, without relying on third parties.

As blockchain evolves, companies across the world are working to find the best ways to implement the technology on a range of applications. Cointelegraph reached out to projects that are disrupting industries and bringing blockchain closer to people’s daily lives to get some further insights.

Healthcare on the blockchain

Medical records have long been considered the domain of clinicians or health institutions worldwide. In 2020, a database that included sensitive information such as government IDs, and tax ID numbers of over 115,000 people who applied for COVID-19 circulation permits, was exposed in Argentina.

This incident inspired ShelterZoom to develop a solution to shields patients’ medical data from cyber breaches like this in future. The company created a smart-document SaaS provider, and partnered with a private hospital to give patients complete ownership and control over medical records.

“Each patient record is tokenized, meaning a private key is attached to each online record,” ShelterZoom CEO Chao Cheng-Shorland told Cointelegraph.

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Through a blockchain-based plugin extension or mobile app, users can access medical-record dashboards and carry out all required operations at any time; it also allows patients to track email attachments and revoke access, regardless of whether the recipient has opened the email. The executive explained:

“By moving record keeping to a blockchain ecosystem, providers and patients can have access to medical records instantly, rather than waiting for paper records to be delivered or faxed.” 

More than 300,000 patients currently have access to the Web3 application as a result of the partnership, and there are plans to expand the service to other healthcare providers in Argentina.

Data ownership

Data has become a valuable resource in the decades since the internet’s debut. Historically, users have given up their private information to websites and services for free,…

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